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Maintenance and Technical Support
AccountMate's services and support organization work with you to get your solutions up and running. Our goals are to identify and solve your business and technology needs. We strive to be responsive to your needs and provide you with the highest levels of customer service. We'll draw upon our industry knowledge, expertise and best practices to make sure you are fully leveraging our solutions.

AccountMate offers "instance-based" support versus charging for support calls by the minute. In this way, we are able to respond faster and provide the highest quality, personalized support in the industry. Following are brief descriptions of our maintenance and support plans:

Lifecycle Maintenance - Includes upgrades and updates, plus unlimited support instances for non-system manager modules and unlimited access to online self-paced product training (5 concurrent users).

Standard Maintenance - Includes updates, discounted upgrades to new versions, one support instance per non-system manager modules and unlimited access to online self-paced product training (2 concurrent users).

All-Source Code Maintenance - Includes Updates; requires all modules purchased at any time must include source code except for System Manager

Extended Support Plus (Visual AccountMate LAN 5 only) - Phone support only.

Want more information?

Log on to learn more about the AccountMate Support Plans: Or

Contact us at support@accountmate.com.