Instructions to Switch to Upgraded Payroll

 for AccountMate Version 6.5 for LAN

As of March 11, 2008


Important!! Read this document first.

Do not run the AccountMate 6.5 (AM 6.5) for LAN Switch to Upgraded Payroll until you read and thoroughly understand all pages of this document. If you have any questions about the process after reading this material, please contact our Technical Support team at (415) 883-1019 or via email at before you attempt the switch.


What’s New?


This document has two parts:


·         Checklist – step-by-step list of the procedures to be performed

·         Upgrade Details – detailed discussion of the procedures specified in the checklist

The following section has been updated:

o        Pre-upgrade Steps

o        Post-upgrade Process




Note: For a detailed discussion of the specific steps in the checklist below, please refer to the Upgrade Details section.


A.    Pre-upgrade Steps



1.        Correct Version/Build


2.        Do Modifications Exist?


3.        Install SQL Server with Mixed Mode Authentication


4.        Choose Computer and Verify Access Rights


5.        Payroll Module Preparations


6.        Backup


7.        Perform Data Validation Procedures


8.        Close PR


9.        Backup


10.    Download and Extract Latest Conversion Utility


B.    Switching to Upgraded Payroll



1.  Launch Administrator Program


2.  Establish SQL Connection


3.  Create System and Company Databases


4.  Run convert.exe


5.  Select Installation Folder


6.  Select Database


7.  Choose Location for Temporary Database


8.  Perform Data Integrity Check


9.  Perform Payroll Data Upgrade


10.       Complete the Switch


C.    Post-upgrade Process



1.      Input PR Tax Subscription Key


2.      Reset Group Access Rights


3.      Install PR Tax Updates and Patches


4.      Initialize Payroll Module


5.      Access Maintenance Records


6.      Review Upgraded Payroll Data (by running reports)


7.      Update PR Custom Reports


8.      Establish SQL Connection on each Workstation


D.    Troubleshooting Errors and Messages



1.      “Cannot configure data source. Either SQL server does not exist, or SQL server service is not started, or ODBC is not working right.”


2.      “Connection failed” message appears when running the Switch to Upgraded Payroll in build LN604 followed by the SQL Server login window.


3.      Running the Switch to Upgraded Payroll function after converting some of my company databases prompts me to convert the LAN Payroll data.


4.      “Connection failed.

SQL State: ‘28000’

SQL Server Error: 18456

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user ‘sa’.”


--- Checklist Ends (Detailed Discussion Follows) ---



A.   Pre-upgrade Steps


1. Correct Version/Build


This process is designed to switch:


o        Payroll systems on AccountMate version 6.5 for LAN, Build LN603 or higher, to the Upgraded Payroll system.


Check the build number of your current installation by accessing the “About AccountMate” function under the Help menu. If it is on a build lower than what is listed above, you must update to the required build before you can run this process.


2. Do Modifications Exist?


For this process to work, your AM 6.5 for LAN system and data structure must be unmodified. If you modified the data structure or system, please do not proceed. Instead, email our Development Consulting Service,, to inquire about the procedures to modify the generic conversion program to work with your modified AccountMate data or system. Regular consulting charges will apply.


3. Install SQL Server with Mixed Mode Authentication


The Upgraded Payroll system runs on SQL Server. Before proceeding with the switch, you must install any one of the following supported SQL Server versions:


o        SQL Server 2005

o        SQL 2005 for Express

o        SQL Server 2000


When installing the SQL Server, be sure to select the Mixed Mode Authentication setting. For instructions on how to properly install SQL, please contact an IT Professional.


4. Choose Computer and Verify Access Rights


We recommend that you perform the switch at the computer where the SQL Server is installed. If the SQL Server is on a different computer than the file server where the AM 6.5 for LAN program is physically located, you must run the AccountMate workstation installation on the SQL Server computer before performing the switch. Verify that neither the AM 6.5 for LAN program folder nor any of its subfolders or files is set to read-only. Finally, you must use a Windows login ID that has administrative rights to the SQL Server and the AM 6.5 for LAN program folder.


5. Payroll Module Preparations


Please note that there are extensive data structure changes in version 7 Payroll. As such, you must do the following before performing the switch:


a.      Apply Payroll/Payment for all the valid time card, additional payment and 1099 payment transactions that have been recorded in the system.


b.      Print Payroll Check for all the valid but unpaid applied payroll/payment records in the system.


c.      Print the following reports to be used in validating the Payroll data after the switch:


o        Employee Detail Listing

o        Employee Earnings and Tax Withholdings Listing

o        Deduction Transactions Report


Note: For more information on how these reports are used after the switch, refer to the discussion in C6.


6. Backup


Back up all live company databases in preparation for performing Data Validation Procedures and Period-End Closing. In case of problems, you can restore the databases from your backup and try again. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP!


7. Perform Data Validation Procedures


Run the Validate Database and Rebuild Table Indexes functions for each company. If you encounter any error, correct the problem; then, make another backup of the affected database before proceeding with the next step in this checklist.


8. Close PR


Perform Period-End Closing for your PR module through the period that has transactions that have yet to be posted to GL. For example, if you have recorded PR transactions dated up to July 31, 2007 you must close PR through July 2007. Closing the period in PR is required to correctly post the journal entries for paid employee payroll transactions that will be converted.


9. Backup


Back up the entire AM 6.5 for LAN folder; in case the switch fails or you decide to postpone it for another time, you can delete the AccountMate folder used in the failed process, restore the files from your backup and either try again or reschedule the switch. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP!


10.        Download and Extract Latest Conversion Utility


Make sure you have the latest AM 6.5 for LAN to AM 7 for SQL PR conversion utility (i.e. Conversion File for AM7.x PR). The latest version of this file is available for download from the Download Center\Conversion & Upgrade Tools section of the AccountMate website. If you are an AccountMate End User, you must ask your AccountMate Reseller to download this file for you.


Extract the contents of the download file into the root of your AM 6.5 for LAN application folder. When extracting the contents of the zip file, verify that the “overwrite existing files” and “use folder names” checkboxes are marked.


B.   Switching to Upgraded Payroll


1.          Launch Administrator Program


Run the AccountMate Administrator program (amlanadm.exe) either from your desktop or the AccountMate program folder. From the Setup menu, select the Switch to Upgraded Payroll function.


The Switch to Upgraded Payroll window (Figure 1) lists the steps that will be taken to convert your installation to the Upgraded Payroll system. Click the Start button to initiate the switch. As it takes each step, the system updates the Status field to show its progress.


Caution: Once you start the switch, you cannot revert to the old Payroll program. We strongly urge you to make a backup of your AM 6.5 for LAN installation before proceeding with the switch.


Figure 1. Switch to Upgraded Payroll Window

2.          Establish SQL Connection


In the Select Server window (Figure 2), enter the name of the SQL Server instance where the Upgraded Payroll database will be created; then, click the OK button. The system will proceed to create the ODBC Data Source and SQL User Login that the Upgraded Payroll system will use to access the SQL Server.


Note: This step requires that you have full access to the SQL Server at the computer where you are performing the switch. We recommend that you perform this process at the SQL Server computer.


Sometimes the system may run into difficulties creating the ODBC Data Source and SQL User Login. As such, you may receive the error message “Cannot configure data source. Either SQL server does not exist, or SQL server service is not started, or ODBC is not working right.” To resolve this error, you must manually create the ODBC connection before proceeding with the PR Switch. Refer to section D.1 for the required settings of the Upgraded Payroll system’s ODBC if you are on build LN603 and section D.2 if you are on build LN604 or higher.


Figure 2. Select Server Window

3.           Create System and Company Databases


Once the system establishes access to the SQL Server, it will update the Payroll table list that will be used to create the Payroll tables in the SQL Server. Once that is done, the system will display the Add Server Database window (Figure 3) where you can either accept the default values or enter the correct information.


a.        In the SQL Data Directory field, enter the physical location (i.e. drive letter and folder name) in the SQL Server where you want the system and company databases to be installed. The drive and folder should be shared in the network and you should have administrative rights to this directory from the computer where you are performing the switch.


b.        In the Mapped as Directory field, enter the path (i.e. drive letter and/or folder name) that represents the mapping you made to the SQL Data Directory on the computer from where you are performing the switch.


i.        If you are running the switch at the computer that holds the SQL Server, the Mapped as Directory is identical to the SQL Data Directory.


ii.       If you mapped the entire SQL Data Directory to a drive letter, enter the mapped drive letter in the Mapped as Directory field. If the SQL Data Directory “C:\AMDATA\” in the SQL Server is mapped to drive letter “F” on the computer where you are running the switch, enter “F:\” in the Mapped as Directory field.


iii.     If you mapped part of the path that holds the SQL Data Directory to a drive letter, enter the mapped drive letter and the SQL Data Directory folder in the Mapped as Directory field. If the SQL Data Directory is “C:\AM65LAN\AMDATA\” but only “C:\AM65LAN\” in the SQL Server is mapped to drive letter “F” on the computer where you are running the switch, enter “F:\AMDATA\” in the Mapped as Directory field.

Figure 3. Add Server Database Window

The system will proceed to install the system database (i.e. amwsys_pr) and company databases. While it is doing this, you will be shown a window similar to Figure 4 so you can track the progress.


Figure 4. Add Server Database Progress Window

Once all the AM 6.5 for LAN databases have been created in the SQL Server, you will receive the message “System database creation is completed.” Click OK to continue.


Figure 5. Data Conversion Message Window

The system will display the message shown in Figure 5; click OK to close the Administrator program and proceed with the next step.


4.          Run convert.exe


Run CONVERT.EXE from the Convert folder of your AM 6.5 for LAN program folder. This will convert your current Payroll data to match the requirements and design of the Upgraded Payroll system.

5.          Select Installation Folder

The first conversion screen (Figure 6) will prompt you for the location of your AM 6.5 for LAN installation. This is the directory path where your AccountMate program folder can be found. 

Figure 6. AM 6.5 for LAN Installation Directory

6.            Select Database

The second conversion screen (Figure 7) will prompt you for the name of the AM 6.5 for LAN company database. Click the OK button to proceed.

Figure 7. Database Selection

If everything is set up properly, you will be asked if a backup of the selected company has already been made (Figure 8). Click Yes to proceed.

Figure 8. Reminder to Back up Database

Next, you will be shown a message (Figure 9) reminding you to run the Administrator program to complete the rest of the switch after all the company databases have been converted. Click OK to continue.

Figure 9. Reminder to Resume the Switch after Conversion

7.          Choose Location for Temporary Database

Another screen will prompt you for the SQL data drive and its mapped drive. The SQL Data Dir is the physical location (i.e. drive letter and folder name) in the server that contains the SQL database files (i.e. AMDATA directory). The mapped drive is the logical drive that is mapped to the SQL data drive. If the SQL Server database resides in the computer where you are performing the conversion, the mapped drive is the same as the SQL data drive.

The forms shown in Figures 10 and 11 will not be displayed if you have previously run the conversion program and the temporary SQL database has already been created.

Figure 10. Temporary SQL Database

Figure 11. Temporary SQL Database

8.          Perform Data Integrity Check

You should now be able to see the main conversion interface. Run Step 1, Check Data Integrity. This step checks for possible primary key violations. The program will generate a log if it finds data problems in your Payroll data. You must fix the Payroll data before proceeding with the conversion. This procedure will save you time if your data set is large.  

9. Perform Payroll Data Upgrade

If there is no error, you can choose to do either an unattended conversion or perform each step of the conversion manually. The option to “Perform the following steps automatically” will allow unattended conversion. If an error occurs at any step, the conversion program will display a message and provide you with an error log.

When you reach Step 5 of the conversion process, a DOS screen will appear beside the Conversion screen. If you have a large data set, the DOS screen may appear for an extended period of time. Don’t terminate the process unless you are 100% certain that the SQL server is locked up. Click OK to continue.

If the conversion successfully goes through Step 6, you will see the messages shown in Figure 12. To proceed, click OK on each message window.

After the conversion, you can click the Clean up button to delete the temporary database and files. If you close the Conversion screen without doing clean up, you must manually delete the temporary database (lntemp) created in your SQL server for this conversion, and clear the \Work subfolder in your AccountMate\Convert folder.

Note: Repeat steps 4 to 9 of this section until you’ve converted all company databases, including the sample company.


Figure 12. Conversion Status Screens

10.        Complete the Switch

Launch the Administrator program. After entering the Supervisor password, you will be prompted with the message shown in Figure 13. Click OK to launch the Switch to Upgraded Payroll function. Click the Start button to proceed with Step 6 (Convert Other System Tables).

Figure 13. Reminder to Complete the Switch

Note: If you have not converted all the company databases, including the sample company, you will be prompted to run the LAN to SQL conversion program when you launch the Administrator program (see section D.3).

When the switch is complete, you will get the message shown in Figure 14. Click OK to close the Administrator program.

Note: The next time you access the Administrator program, you will no longer see the Switch to Upgraded Payroll function on the menu.

Figure 14. Successful Switch Message

C.   Post-upgrade Process


1.     Input PR Tax Subscription Key


If you have an active Payroll Tax Subscription, you will be issued a PR Tax Subscription Key. The PR Tax Subscription Key is printed on the AccountMate License File CD, provided that your Payroll Subscription was active at the time the product was shipped to you. This key controls the states that you will be able to activate in the Payroll module. It also includes information about the tax year covered by your subscription, which in turn determines your ability to manually update the federal and state tax tables for the current tax year.


To input the PR Tax Subscription Key:


a.      In the AccountMate Administrator program, select Setup > Licensing > Input PR Tax Subscription Key.


b.      In the space provided, enter the 20-character PR Tax Subscription Key printed on the AccountMate License File CD. If the Subscription Key supplied is valid, the system will display in the New Tax Year field the tax year covered by your subscription.


c.      You can drill down on the New PR Tax Subscription Key field caption to view the states covered by your subscription.


If you notice any discrepancy with the subscribed tax year or states or if you receive an error message when you enter the Subscription Key, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-877-8896 ext. 752.


2.           Reset Group Access Rights


In the AccountMate Administrator program, run the Group/User Setup function to reset the group access rights settings.


3. Install PR Tax Updates and Patches


Verify that you have the latest PR tax updates installed. You can check this by running the Federal/State/Local Tax Table Maintenance functions. Also, be sure to install any Payroll patches that are issued for the AccountMate version you are using.


4.        Initialize Payroll Module


Access the Housekeeping menu and perform PR Module Setup. Verify the settings defined for all companies that use the Payroll module.


5.          Access Maintenance Records


Go through the different Maintenance functions and verify that all required fields are set up or assigned the desired values. Pay particular attention to the following Maintenance records:


a.  Earning Code Maintenance => verify the Accumulate Paid Leave settings defined for each earning code record


b.Paid Leave Code Maintenance => verify the settings defined for each tier assigned to each paid leave code record, as well as the assigned Liability and Expense accounts


Note: In LAN 6.5, the Payroll module does not accrue liability for employee leave benefits. If you want to fully employ the Paid Leave feature in the Upgraded PR system, you must post an adjusting journal entry in the General Ledger module to record the employee leave balance as of the time you started using Upgraded Payroll.


6.          Review Upgraded Payroll Data (by running reports)


You should review the Payroll data to ensure everything has been converted successfully. Here is a partial list of reports and functions you can run to help verify the switch:


o     YTD Employee Earnings: compare the value in the YTD Earn field of the Employee Maintenance Earning Code tab against the Earning Code Transaction Report generated after the switch.


o     YTD Employee Deductions: compare the value in the YTD Deductions field of the Employee Maintenance Deductions tab against the Deduction Transactions Report generated before and after the switch.


o     Paid Leave Balance: compare the value in the Balance field of the Employee Maintenance Paid Leave tab against the Available Hours in the Employee Detail Listing generated before the switch. Take note that “Holiday” is an earning code in the Upgraded Payroll system.


o     Federal/State/Local Taxes: compare the earnings and withholding tax information in the Employee Maintenance’s Fed. W/H, State W/H and Local W/H tabs against the corresponding information in the Employee Earnings and Tax Withholdings Listing generated before the switch.


7.          Update PR Custom Reports


Note: If you do not have Payroll Custom Reports, you can skip this step.


There are extensive data structure differences between the traditional LAN PR system and the Upgraded PR system. As such, you must run the Custom Report Setup function and update the PR tables and fields that are used in your custom reports.


8.          Establish SQL Connection on each Workstation


Note: You need not do this step on the computer where you performed the switch.


On each workstation where AccountMate will be used, launch the main AccountMate program. In the Select Server window (Figure 15), enter the name of the SQL Server instance where the Upgraded Payroll database resides; then, click the OK button. The system will proceed to create the ODBC Data Source and SQL User Login that the workstation will use to access the Upgraded Payroll system in the SQL Server.


Sometimes the system may run into difficulties creating the ODBC Data Source and SQL User Login in the workstation. As such, you may receive a SQL Server error. Please refer to section D.1 for the required settings of the Upgraded Payroll system’s ODBC if you are on build LN603 and section D.2 if you are on build LN604 or higher.


Figure 15. Select Server Window - Workstation

D.   Troubleshooting Errors and Messages


If a problem is detected at any point during the switch, an error message will be generated. The succeeding sections provide tips for troubleshooting some of the more commonly encountered error messages.


1.          “Cannot configure data source. Either SQL server does not exist, or SQL server service is not started, or ODBC is not working right.”


This error generally occurs after you’ve entered the SQL Server instance name when running the Switch to Upgraded Payroll function in the Administrator program. It usually results from not having sufficient access rights to the SQL server. To resolve this you must manually set up an ODBC Data Source for the Upgraded Payroll program using the following settings:


a.      Use a SQL Server Driver for the new data source.


b.      The Data Source Name must be “AMLN”.


c.      When prompted, enter the correct SQL Server instance name.


d.      Set the ODBC to use SQL Server Authentication.


e.      Mark the check box “Connect to SQL Server to obtain default settings for the additional configuration options”.


f.       Use ”sa” for the login ID and use a valid password; as much as possible do not use a blank password.


g.      Test the connection and be sure that your test results will read, “Tests completed successfully”.


Note: AccountMate 6.5 build LN604 Upgraded Payroll or higher is using a DSN-less connection to the SQL Server. Starting with build LN604 Upgraded Payroll, users are no longer required to set up an ODBC System Data Source to connect AccountMate and file servers to the SQL Server. If you encounter problems connecting to the SQL server and you are on build LN604 Upgraded Payroll or higher, refer to Issue # 2.


2.          “Connection failed” message (Figure 16) appears when running the Switch to Upgraded Payroll in build LN604 or higher followed by the SQL Server login window (Figure 17).


Figure 16. Connection Failed screen

Figure 17. SQL Server Login window

One possible cause of the error is that AMSETUP.AM is not properly configured. This occurs if the wrong SQL server instance name was entered the first time AccountMate displays and asks for the server in the Select Server window. Access AMSETUP.AM and verify that the entry in the notepad matches the server to which you are attempting to connect. For example, the SQL server instance for your LN604 Upgraded Payroll installation is TECHMAIN\LN604PR, then the entry in AMSETUP.AM must be DBSERVER=TECHMAIN\LN604PR, where “TECHMAIN\LN604PR” is the SQL server instance name. The error appears if AMSETUP.AM is pointing to a different SQL server instance; correct the information by entering the correct SQL server instance name. AMSETUP.AM can be found in the root directory of your AMLAN installation.


3.           Running the Switch to Upgraded Payroll function after converting some of my company databases prompts me to convert the LAN Payroll data.


You cannot complete the switch until you have performed the LAN Payroll data conversion for all company databases, including the sample company. To resolve this, perform steps B4 to B9 to convert all company databases, including the sample company; then, launch the Administrator program and resume Step 6 (Convert Other System Tables) of the Switch to Upgraded Payroll function.


4.          “Connection failed.

SQL State: ‘28000’

SQL Server Error: 18456

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user ‘sa’.”


This error generally occurs as soon as you launch the main AccountMate program from a workstation and before you get to the login screen. It is caused by insufficient access rights to the SQL Server from the workstation where you are trying to launch the AccountMate program after the switch to Upgraded Payroll has been completed. This message is generally followed by a SQL Server login screen where the login ID field is populated with “sa”, by default. To resolve the issue:


a.  Enter the password for “sa” in the SQL Server login screen.


b.If the issue is still not resolved, you will have to manually set up an ODBC Data Source for the Upgraded Payroll program on the workstation. Refer to D.1 for the required ODBC DSN settings if you are on build LN603 and D.2 if you are on build LN604 or higher.



Downloads: The following can also be obtained from our website; visit: /businesspartner/info/downloads/conversion_upgrades.asp


·         Conversion File for AM 7.x