AM11 Sample Reports

Bank Reconciliation – Imported Transaction Reports

The Imported Transaction Reports include a set of reports that provide detailed information about all transactions imported in the Bank Reconciliation (BR) module using the Import Bank Transactions function. These reports are useful in verifying the accuracy of the imported bank transactions. These also come handy during bank reconciliation.

Read the information below to get a closer look at each of the Imported Transaction Reports available in AccountMate.

Imported Transactions Report

The Imported Transactions Report provides detailed information about the transactions recorded imported to the BR module using the Import Bank Transactions function. This report shows the transaction code, transaction date, description, bank account and transaction amount. You can generate this report to help you in verifying the accuracy of the imported bank transactions and in determining the transactions that are matched to specific transactions in AccountMate. This report also serves as a guide in reconciling bank transactions.

You can generate this report for matched transactions only, unmatched transactions only, or all transactions. You can also select to display in this report the recorded transactions that match the imported transactions.

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Import Code Listing

The Import Code Listing provides information about the import codes set up in the Import Bank Transactions Setup function. This report is useful in reviewing the completeness of the recorded import codes and the accuracy of the import code records.

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Converter Code Listing

The Converter Code Listing provides detailed information about the converter codes set up in the Import Bank Data Converter function. This report is useful in reviewing the completeness of the recorded converter codes and the accuracy of the converter code records.

Click image to enlarge/reduce view

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