AM11 Sample Reports

Purchase Order – Blanket Purchase Order Reports

Blanket purchase orders are established and authorized orders for a certain quantity of inventory items from a vendor within a specific period of time. This kind of orders enables you to lock-in any special prices and/or discounts offered by a vendor. The Blanket Purchase Order Reports provide information on this kind of orders. These reports have various options and criteria to enable you to generate information in various report formats. Read the information below to get a closer look at each of the Blanket Purchase Order Reports available in AccountMate.

Print Blanket Purchase Order

The Print Blanket Purchase Order function allows you to preview and print blanket purchase orders, which are used to establish and authorize orders of inventory items for a certain quantity and for a certain vendor within a specific period.

You can choose to print all the previously printed blanket purchase orders, all the blanket purchase orders that are yet to be printed, or all blanket purchase orders regardless of their printing status. You can configure AccountMate to print only for an alignment test and to suppress the report labels’ background color.

You can print the Blanket Purchase Orders either on pre-printed forms or on blank paper. You can set up these parameters in the PO Module Setup -> Printing tab.

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Blanket Purchase Order Summary Report

The Blanket Purchase Order Summary Report provides summary information on blanket purchase orders. This report is useful for reviewing the blanket purchase orders general information including the PO amounts, freight charges, sales taxes and other pertinent information.

You can opt to show multi-currencies in this report.

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Blanket Purchase Order Line Item Report

The Blanket Purchase Order Line Item Report provides detailed information on the blanket purchase order line items. This report is useful for reviewing the accuracy of the blanket purchase order line item information. You can also use it to cross-reference with the Released Blanket Purchase Order Report in order to determine the quantities released and the remaining quantities for release from each blanket purchase order.

You may include freight charge and sales tax information in this report. You can also opt to show the inventory item descriptions and multi-currencies.

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Released Blanket Purchase Order Report

The Released Blanket Purchase Order Report provides information on the line item quantities that are released from blanket purchase orders. This report provides details on the unit cost, the discount taken advantage of, and the extended cost of the line item quantities released from blanket purchase orders, among other information. This report is useful for reviewing the quantities released from blanket purchase orders and for cross-referencing the blanket purchase orders with the purchase orders generated upon the release of quantities.

You may include in the report the freight charge and sales tax information. You also have the option to show the inventory item descriptions and multi-currencies.

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Unreleased Blanket Purchase Order Report

The Unreleased Blanket Purchase Order Report provides information on the line item quantities that are not released from blanket purchase orders. This report provides details on the blanket purchase order validity date, assigned vendor and warehouse assigned to the line item quantities that are not released from blanket purchase orders, among other information. This report is useful for reviewing the quantities that are not released from blanket purchase orders. You have the option to show the inventory item descriptions and multi-currencies in the report.

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