AM12 Sample Reports
Accounts Payable - E-mail AP Check Stub
When the Generate Check Stub File for E-mailing checkbox is marked in AP Module Setup > Printing
tab during AP check printing or reprinting, AccountMate automatically generates a pay stub PDF file
showing the check and stub and stores it in the company database. When the user clicks the E-mail
button in the E-mail AP Check Stub function window, AccountMate automatically retrieves the PDF
file from the company database, attaches the PDF file to the e-mail, and sends it to the e-mail
addresses set up in the vendor record. This function comes in handy as you no longer need to
manually scan each check stub prior to e-mailing it to the vendor. This feature comes in handy
especially in these recent years when e-mail is becoming the most commonly used mode of
communication with vendors.
Prior to e-mailing the AP check stub PDF file, you may first view it from the E-mail AP Check
Stub grid. You also have the option to print the PDF file from the Preview window.