Accounts Payable - Multi Currency Reports
The Multi-Currency Reports provide information on the various currencies used
for transactions and for the gains or losses arising from multi-currency
transactions. Read the information below to get a closer look at each of the
Multi-Currency Reports available in AccountMate.
Currency Code Listing
The Currency Code Listing provides information on each currency code including
its symbol description, current exchange rate, and the posting GL Account IDs
for the foreign exchange gains/losses. The currency codes are set up using thei
Currency Code Maintenance function. This report can be used to determine the
propriety of the foreign exchange gain/loss GL Account IDs assigned to each
currency code and to ensure updated exchange rates.
Click image to enlarge view
AP Currency Gain/Loss Report
The AP Currency Gain/Loss Report provides information on gains or losses
resulting from fluctuations in currency exchange rates used during posting of
invoices and during payment. This report facilitates reconciliation of the AP
Currency Gain/Loss GL Account ID balance and serves as reference when
evaluating the effects of exchange rate fluctuations on your business,
particularly on your capacity to pay the company's liabilities.
Click image to enlarge view
AP Check Multi-Currency Report
The AP Check Multi-Currency Report is a summary of released checks using any
currencies including your company's home currency. You can use this report and
the AP Currency Gain/Loss Report to determine the check transactions that
result in a foreign exchange gain or loss.
You can filter to show information on only the check transactions, only the
non-check transactions, or both. You can opt to include voided checks and to
show the check details in the report. You can further filter the information to
include only the checks assigned with the same currency as the vendors’
currency, only the checks that use different currencies from the vendors’
currency, or both.
Click image to enlarge view