Accounts Receivable – Print Packing Slip

The Print Packing Slip function allows you to print and preview packing slips. A Packing Slip uses invoice transaction data, specifically the quantity ordered and shipped. It is shipped together with the customer’s order. It is useful for easy identification and verification of shipped inventory items and their quantities.

You can select to print all unprinted packing slips only, all previously printed packing slips only, or both. You can limit the printing of packing slips for invoices created only in the Accounts Receivable module, only in the Return Authorization module, or in both modules. You can elect to print for an alignment test only and to include voided invoices in the report. Options are also available to show the items’ serial numbers, lot numbers or kit numbers, if any, and to suppress the document labels’ background color.

A packing slip can be printed on either an ordinary paper or a pre-printed form. These settings are configured in the AR Module Setup -> Printing tab.

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