Payroll - Annual Reports
The Annual Reports functions allow you to generate a year-to-date tax
withholding report and to print Form 940-EZ annual tax return, W-2 report, and
1099 report, thereby facilitating the filing of your yearly tax requirements.
AccountMate allows you to generate these Annual Reports for either the current
or prior tax year.
YTD Tax Withholdings Report
The YTD Tax Withholdings Report provides information on the total taxes
withheld from each employee's earnings and the company's total tax contribution
for the current or prior tax year. If an employee has earnings or tax
withholdings in multiple states, the employee's year-to-date earnings and taxes
will be shown separately for each state. This report helps you verify the
accuracy of the annual tax returns. Keep copies of this report for audit trail.
You can select either the current or prior tax year for which you want to print
the report. An option to exclude from the report those employees with zero
year-to-date gross amounts (FICA gross, Medicare gross, Federal Withholding
gross, etc) is also available.
Click image to enlarge view
Form 940-EZ Annual Tax Return
The Form 940-EZ Annual Tax Return function allows you to generate a report of
the SUTA and FUTA taxes that you submit to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
in compliance with the federal tax filing requirements. You need to print this
form if you file on time and/or you are reporting SUTA data for only one state.
If filing is delayed, you still need to print this form and copy the
appropriate data on Form 940; then, submit Form 940 to IRS. If you must report
SUTA data for more than one tax state, print Form 940-EZ separately for each
tax state, summarize the state date, and manually enter data on Form 940; then,
submit Form 940 to IRS.
You have an option to print the form for the current or prior tax year. You can
select to print the form for a particular state or multiple states. If
necessary, you may choose to print your DBA registered company name on the form
and to print the report for alignment test only.
Click image to enlarge view
W-2 Report
Prior to printing W-2 forms, you need to review the employees' W-2 information.
You can facilitate the review by generating the W-2 Report. This report
displays the employees' earnings and the federal, state, and/or local tax
withholdings. If the employee has earnings or taxes in multiple states, the
report shows the earnings and taxes separately for each state.
You can choose to print the report for either the current or prior tax year.
Click image to enlarge view
1099 Report
Reviewing 1099 information pertaining to independent contractors is made easy
using the 1099 Report. This report shows the current and previous years'
payments made to independent contractors and the contractors' payee IDs or
social security numbers. This report is most useful in reviewing 1099
information prior to printing 1099 forms.
Click image to enlarge view