Payroll - Payroll Entry Reports
The Payroll Entry Reports provide information about work entered in the Time
Card/Piece Work function and the transactions recorded in the Additional/1099
Payment function. Generate these reports if you want to verify the accuracy of
time card, piece work, 1099 payment, and additional payments records prior to
application of payroll/payment or if you want to determine whether application
of payroll/payment has been done or payroll checks have been issued for these
records. Read the information below to get a closer look at each of the Payroll
Entry Reports available in AccountMate.
Time Card Entry Report
Information about the employee's regular hours worked as recorded in the Time
Card/Piece Work function or the number of hours an employee has incurred to
complete piece work is available in the Time Card Entry Report. This report
helps you verify the accuracy of time card entries especially prior to
application of payroll.
You can select to generate this report for only the time card records for which
payroll has yet to be applied, only the time card records for which payroll has
been applied but not paid, only the time card records for which payroll checks
have been released, or all time card records. You can opt to include GL Account
IDs assigned to each time card/piece work entry transaction in the report.
Click image to enlarge view
Piece Work Entry Report
The Piece Work Entry Report generates information about completed piece work
units recorded in the Time Card/Piece Work function. Using this report, you can
verify the propriety of piece work entries prior to application of payroll.
You can select to generate the report for only the piece work records for which
payroll has yet to be applied, only the piece work records for which payroll
has been applied but not paid, only the piece work records for which payroll
checks have been released, or all piece work records.
Click image to enlarge view
Additional/1099 Payment Report
If you need detailed information about additional items for payment to
employees and 1099 services for payment to independent contractors, generate
the Additional/1099 Payment Report. Prior to application of payroll, you can
generate this report to review the accuracy of additional/1099 payments
recorded in the Additional/1099 Payment function.
When generating this report, you can choose to select only the additional/1099
payment records for which payroll has yet to be applied, only the
additional/1099 payment records for which payroll has been applied but not
paid, only the paid additional/1099 payment records, or all additional/1099
payment records.
Click image to enlarge view