AM Enterprise 2020

Sales Order - Open Sales Order Reports

The Open Sales Order Reports provides information on sales order transactions that are not yet shipped including advanced billings. These reports have various filter options and selection criteria to give you a variety of open sales order related information and report formats. Read the information below to get a closer look at each of the Open Sales Order Reports available in AccountMate Enterprise.

Open Sales Order Report

The Open Sales Order Report provides information on the unshipped (open) quantities from sales orders. This report shows each sales order’s line items that are yet to be shipped. This report helps you identify the sales orders with unshipped line item quantities and manage the open sales orders.

You can generate the report only for items that are not sold as kits, only for standard kit items, only for customized kit items, only for standard and customized kits, or for all items regardless of whether these are kits. There is an option to exclude from the report the sales orders that are put on hold and to print each group of sales orders on separate pages. You can set to show in this report the item descriptions and the item’s assigned class, product line and inventory type information. You can also select to show kit items’ formulas and multi-currencies.

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Advance Billing Summary Report

The Advance Billing Summary Report provides summary information on advance bills including the sales order numbers, proforma invoice numbers, customer numbers and company names, bill dates, salesperson numbers, pay codes, order amounts billed in advance and applicable taxes. This report can be used as reference when reviewing unshipped advanced bills. It also helps you track and monitor advanced billings for each customer.

You can select to generate this report for an individual proforma invoice, a range of advance bill numbers or all advance bills. You can choose to print only the unpaid advanced billings, only the paid advanced billings, or all paid or unpaid advanced billings.

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Advance Billing Line Item Report

The Advance Billing Line Item Report provides detailed information on each advance bill line items including the proforma invoice numbers, sales order numbers, customer numbers, bill dates and source warehouses as well as the inventory items’ numbers, units of measurement, billed quantities, unit prices, discount rates, and net prices. This report is useful in reviewing the details in an advanced bill and in determining the inventory items that are billed in advance.

You can generate this report for an individual advanced billing, a range of advance bill numbers or all advance bills. You can opt to include in the report freight charges and sales tax amounts. You may set the report to show the formula for kit items, if any.

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