AM Enterprise 2022 Sample Reports

Accounts Receivable - Customer Listings

The Customer Listings provide a variety of information about your customers including granted credit limits and discounts, contacts, additional addresses and recurring invoices. It also shows the summary and detailed listing of customer transactions.

Each report has several options and criteria you can choose that narrows down data to the specific information you need. Read the information below to get a closer look at each of the Customer Reports available in AccountMate Enterprise.

Customer Listing

The Customer Listing provides detailed information of your customers including company names, aliases and websites as well as the contact persons and currency codes used. You can use this report as a reference of your customer base.

You can generate this report for active customers only, inactive customers only or all customers. You can also select to show in the report the remarks specified in the customer record’s Notes page.

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Customer Contact Listing

The Customer Contact Listing provides information on customer contact persons and other contact information. It serves as a quick reference list of your customer contacts. This report is useful in determining your customers’ contact persons whom you can communicate with concerning your customers’ accounts and/or sales arrangements. You can also use this report as reference when performing mass mailings to customer contacts.

You can select to show in the report active customers only, inactive customers only, or all customers. You may also select to show in the report the remarks entered in each customer record’s Notes page.

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Customer Address Listing

The Customer Address Listing shows addresses of customers with offices or warehouses in multiple locations. This report supplements the Customer Listing report.

You can select to show in the report only the customers with active status, only the inactive customers, or all customers.

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Customer Credit Limit and Discount Listing

The Customer Credit Limit and Discount Listing provides information on your customer’s credit limit, discount arrangements and other related data. This report together with the Aging Report is especially helpful in analyzing your customers’ credit standing.

You can generate this report for active customers only, inactive customers only or all customers. You can also opt to show in the report the customer’s credit history.

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