AM Enterprise 2024 Sample Reports
General Ledger - Listing Reports
The Listing Reports provides details of account categories, account segment values, account elements, statistical codes, currency, and equity transaction codes that are existing in your AccountMate Enterprise installation. These reports help you in reviewing the accuracy of these records set up in the system. These reports provide filter options so you can narrow down data to the specific information needed. Read the information below to get a closer look at each of the Listing Reports available in AccountMate Enterprise. Account Categories Listing The Account Categories Listing provides information on the GL Account IDs’ assigned categories that are used in financial statements. This report shows each GL Account ID and its assigned category as well as the account group ID and description. It also shows whether the account category is used in the Balance Sheet or Income Statement. This report is useful for reviewing the completeness and propriety of the account groups and for reviewing the organization of your financial statements based on the assigned account categories. You can also use this report as a reference when setting up new GL Account ID records. You can select to generate this report showing the GL Account IDs that are assigned Balance Sheet type, Income Statement type, Comprehensive Income type account categories, or to show all GL Account IDs regardless of account type assigned.
Account Group Listing The Account Group Listing provides information on the account groups currently set up in AccountMate. This report allows you to review in a glance the account group IDs, the category IDs and the category descriptions. This report is useful for reviewing the correctness and propriety of the account groups and account categories; it also serves as a reference when setting up or updating your chart of accounts and account groups.
Segment Value Listing The Segment Value Listing provides information on the account segment values set up for each account segment type. It lists the account segment types and values as well as each account segment value’s assigned group ID, cash flow group, and ratio group. This report is useful for reviewing the correctness of the account segment values and determining the propriety of the cash flow category and ratio group assigned to each segment value.
Equity Transaction Code Listing The Equity Transaction Code Listing provides details of the equity transaction codes in the system. The report shows the transaction codes’ description, type and status. The report is useful for reviewing the correctness of equity transaction codes set up and serve as reference when creating new equity transaction codes. You can select to show in the report equity transaction codes with active status, inactive status or all regardless of status.
Controlled Accounts Listing The Controlled Accounts Listing provides information on GL Account IDs that are designated to be used only in specific modules. The report shows the modules that the GL Account IDs are not to be used in, a setting defined in the Account Segment Values Maintenance function. This report is useful for determining which GL Account IDs are configured as controlled accounts and as reference in reviewing the setup of each account. You can choose to generate the report for active GL accounts only, inactive GL accounts only or all GL accounts. You can also opt to show the GL account’s cash flow group and ratio group information in the report.
Account Element Listing The Account Element Listing provides information on the GL Account IDs and the corresponding element type assigned to each. The report shows the information in a list form which makes it easy to read and understand. The report is useful for determining which GL accounts are assigned an element type and as reference in monitoring journal entry transactions posted to these GL Account IDs.
Element Listing The Element Listing provides details of element codes defined in the system. The report shows the element code, description, status and the element type of each. The report is useful for reviewing the correctness of elements set up in the system and serve as reference when creating new element records. You can select to show in the report only elements with active status, only inactive status or all elements.
Statistical Code Listing The Statistical Code Listing provides information on each statistical code set up in the system including the code’s status and quantity decimal setting. The report is useful for reviewing the correctness of the statistical codes currently set up in the system and as reference when creating new statistical codes. You can generate the report to show only statistical codes with active status, inactive status, or all statistical codes.
Account Selection Listing The Account Selection Listing provides information on the GL account IDs that are configured as the system’s overall default account to be used in specific transactions. Using the GL Account Selection Maintenance function, users can specify which GL Account ID to post whenever there’s activity for certain transactions. Examples are the retained earnings account and the currency gain/loss account. The report is useful for determining and reviewing the GL Account IDs defined as the system’s default accounts.
Transaction Type Code Listing The Transaction Type Code Listing provides information on the user-defined transaction type codes in the system. The report lists all the transaction types and its corresponding transaction type code and description. The report is useful for reviewing the various transaction type codes.
Miscellaneous Code Listing The Miscellaneous Code Listing provides information on the pre-defined miscellaneous code types and user-defined codes for each miscellaneous code type. The report shows information such as the miscellaneous type, miscellaneous code, description and status. The report can be used as reference in reviewing the miscellaneous codes and when creating new ones. You can filter the report for any combination of the following miscellaneous types: buyer, commission, customer class, customer industry, customer territory, email, freight on board, item class, item product line, job title, lost sales order reason, manufacturing class, pay class, price code, refusal reason, ship via, summary statement ID, tier, vendor class, vendor industry, vendor territory, and work shift. You can further opt to generate the report exclusively for active miscellaneous codes, exclusively for inactive miscellaneous codes, or all miscellaneous codes regardless of status.
System Remarks Listing The System Remarks Listing provides a list of the user-defined system remarks set up using the System Remark Maintenance function. System remarks are readily accessible for insertion in various transactions throughout the system. This report helps you in reviewing the system remarks available in the system in order to keep them up-to-date and serves as reference when creating new system remarks to avoid duplication.